We hope that following our approach helped you see how speed of execution can beat perfectionism.
Now that you have pre-launched your course, you still have to create the rest of the program you prepared in chapter 4.
We recommend going back to it, creating one section a week, releasing them to your pre-launch students and asking for their feedback.
You can also ask for testimonials from the students that seem to love your course the most, and display these on your sales page and in your next emails.
Once you've released all of your modules, it will be time for your full course launch.
We recommend writing a 7-day email campaign for your final launch.
Here’s a good way to structure the campaign:
- Product Announcement
- The problem (what caused it, what are the consequences?)
- The solution (how it works + proof and examples)
- Storytelling - succeeding
- Storytelling - cost of inaction
- Frequently asked questions
- Closing the doors - urgency
What’s next?
After finishing your course, it's time to celebrate, you can be proud of yourself! 🎉
The online course world is evolving every day, and there are great things to discover in it.
Here is a list of things you might be interested in exploring next:
- Explore promoting your course on Product Hunt
- Promote your course through paid advertising
- Brainstorm your next course idea using the feedback you got
- Use more advanced features in SchoolMaker and upsell new offers with consultations, lives or coaching
- Launch a cohort based course
Thank you for following the guide!
Alexandru Golovatenco and Stan Leloup
If you have any questions, you can contact @AlexandruGlv on X and talk about what you need help with!
(can change CTA here to "start free trial")