
Your own community, built right into your product

Own your community, get rid of distractions and create a truly premium product.

Say goodbye to cheap tools in your premium products

Let’s face it: shelling out hundreds or thousands of dollars for a Slack / Facebook / Discord invite doesn’t feel great.

Those tools are excellent at what they do, but the perceived value of “an invite to our private Facebook community” is close to zero.

Even worse: those tools are not built for learning. They make it difficult to find old threads, they encourage quick comments rather than insightful discussions - and they are full of distractions that pull your students away.

Posts, replies, reactions, private messages

Everything you need for a modern community is here: separate spaces with advanced permissions, threaded replies, reactions, and more.

Customizable notifications

Send in-app or email notifications for new posts, replies, and reactions. Let each member customize their own experience for the spaces and topics they follow.

Advanced space management

Create a separate space for each program, have shared conversations - or do both. Put a time limit on the community access, or link it to an ongoing subscription. Create advanced Mastermind groups with their own spaces. You can structure your offers the way you want.

Link questions to the lesson they are on

Students can ask a question from any lesson. It’ll be posted in the forum where you (and other members) can answer. Your reply will be displayed on that lesson’s page, so future clients don’t have to ask the same question again (or even have to search the forum for the previous thread).

SchoolMaker communityFlywheel Marketing

Build a durable
competitive advantage

Competitors can copy your ideas. Pirates can even steal your content. But no one can ever replicate your community. It’s a flywheel that builds with every sale you make.

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