Courses that look and feel fantastic
Drip courses
Unlock content at predetermined times, based on each student’s start date.
Host your videos on SchoolMaker
No need for a separate hosting account.
Lessons in any format
Videos, PDFs, text, images: you can teach however you want.
Looks great on mobile
You can confidently tell your clients they can access your courses from anywhere. Your students can also add an app version of your school to their phone and receive push notifications.
Check students’ progress with quizzes and see the results right in their profiles.
Q&A below each lesson
Let your students ask questions straight from each lesson page. The question will link back to that specific lesson, so future members can easily find it and avoid asking the same questions again.
Lock progression until a lesson is completed
The rest of the program can be locked until the member completes all steps from a lesson. If combined with time-based drip, the next lesson will unlock when both conditions (time elapsed and steps completed) are fulfilled.
Notify inactive members
You can notify inactive members automatically to keep them engaged, and increase your program's completion rate.