Should you create your online course with WordPress?

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WordPress is one of the most popular tools in the world, over 40% of all websites use it, which represents more than 400 million sites running it.

If you want to create an online course, using WordPress to create a website to host your course can sound like an interesting idea, especially because you can get many plugins for different use cases! But it still has a lot of drawbacks.

In this article, I’ll show you how to create a course with WordPress, the pros and cons of using it, and also give you an alternative to make you more productive.

How to create a course with WordPress

Well, according to the WordPress team, if you want to create online courses and sell them, you have to do the following:

  1. Upgrade to WordPress Pro (at $33 per month for the business plan)
  2. Install the Sensei Pro LMS plugin (at $149 per year)
  3. Install the WooCommerce plugin (free by itself, but the price increases as you install paid  add-ons)

This would allow you to have a simple and affordable course platform that allows you to publish gated content and sell it.

But the problem with this method is that it doesn’t really allow you to create great online courses.

What makes a great online course

Great online courses bring results, here’s why:

Lectures encourage students to memorize facts, but they are not great if the goal is to actually APPLY the information to reach a certain goal, the same goes for reading, watching a video, or a demonstration because these methods are too passive.

Great courses help your students learn actively.
Adapted from National Training Laboratories, Maine

If we look at the 3 Active Learning methods:

  • Group learning through communities
  • Learning by taking action through deliberate practice
  • Mastering a topic by teaching to others

Then using the Sensei LMS by WordPress is not ideal because you would need to install even more paid plugins or hire developers to create a custom forum to create a community, track the progress of your students, help them focus on taking action, or encourage peer-to-peer learning.

This would lead you to spending hundreds of dollars every month for a bloated cluster of plugins that would be hard to manage for you, and your students.

And we’re speaking from experience, we used to do exactly this for the courses we were selling with the YouTube channel Marketing Mania, and it was so hard to manage that we had a part-employee taking care of this system, which took even more time and money.

Also, students had to log in multiple times for each plugin we had with different passwords, the designs of the different plugins were inconsistent, and our taped-up system was breaking often, which was a horrendous user experience for them.

The best course platform to bring results to your students

In 2020, we decided to create our own course platform SchoolMaker to solve all the issues we had with our WordPress courses:

  • We added a built-in community
  • We made lessons more actionable by adding checklists
  • We added the ability to sell directly from our platform (no need for WooCommerce)
  • We made it all visually consistent with great user experience
  • Getting a dedicated subdomain for your school
  • And many more things…

Here’s a comparison between Sensei LMS and SchoolMaker

SchoolMaker all plans
SchoolMaker Logo
Sensei Pro
Online courses
Post video online courses with resources and comments for each lesson.
Learn more about SchoolMaker's online courses.
Unlimited Products
Sell as many courses as you want.
Create quizzes in your lessons, and check the results of your students.
Drip courses
Unlock content at predetermined times, based on each student’s purchase date.
Lessons in any format
Videos, PDFs, text, images, or embed anything: you can teach however you want.
Steps and Milestones
Show your clients that they are on the path to success from the moment they buy.
Learn more about SchoolMaker's Steps & Milestones feature.
Advanced Metrics to track your student progress
See what steps are hard to complete for your students and improve your course over time.
Built-in Community
Get your own built-in community for your courses and get rid of distractions.
Learn more about SchoolMaker's Community feature.
Posts, replies, reactions, private messages
Everything you need for a modern community.
Customizable notifications
Send in-app or email notifications for new posts, replies, and reactions.
Live chat
You and students can chat live.
Lesson comments are automatically posted in the community
This is a great way to encourage peer-to-peer learning.
Advanced Features
Live events
Easily schedule and replay group calls.
Learn more about SchoolMaker's Live feature.
Automated Video Q&As
All you have to do is to show up, record your screen, and answer your student's questions.
Learn more about SchoolMaker's Consultations feature.
1 on 1  & group coaching
Coach your students in 1 on 1 calls or in groups to help them get great results.
Let your tool collect fantastic testimonials on your behalf.
Learn more about SchoolMaker's Testimonial Collection feature.

And the amazing thing is that you can set up SchoolMaker in a few hours, when it can take more than a week if you tape together a bunch of WordPress plugins.

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How to create an online course book cover
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus pulvinar elit ac ligula rhoncus, sit amet tincidunt elit lacinia. Phasellus posuere, ex vitae dapibus tempor, augue purus volutpat turpis, nec accumsan neque tellus sed ante. Etiam vulputate, dolor ac vestibulum imperdiet, felis mi maximus elit, vitae ullamcorper diam tortor non diam. Donec blandit arcu orci, tincidunt aliquet tellus semper a. Suspendisse pellentesque tempor nunc at suscipit. Maecenas id ullamcorper nulla. Vivamus suscipit euismod velit non dictum.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus pulvinar elit ac ligula rhoncus, sit amet tincidunt elit lacinia. Phasellus posuere, ex vitae dapibus tempor, augue purus volutpat turpis, nec accumsan neque tellus sed ante. Etiam vulputate.
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